
New Patients

We look forward to seeing you at the practice for your first appointment! Here is some key information that may come in useful when planning your visit.

Please park in Village Way car park as there is only pedestrian access to the practice. There are also a few parking spaces outside the Post Office.

Finding Us
You’ll find us in Collins Court in Cranleigh, next to the Post Office. The Old Bakery is on the right-hand side as you enter from the high street. Please arrive close to the time of your appointment, and press the lowest buzzer labelled ‘Osteopath’ so that one of the team can let you in.

What to Expect
We understand that you may be a little nervous about your first appointment. Please be assured that you can ask us about anything that is concerning you, at any point, during your appointment, or indeed before you come to your appointment.

At the start of your appointment, your osteopath or physiotherapist will begin by asking about your current and past health history, some of which may not seem immediately relevant, but it is important for them to understand. They will also record any medication or supplements that you are taking. This is to help them to establish a full picture of your health and needs. All information will be treated as strictly confidential.

Your osteopath or physiotherapist will ask you to do some gentle movements as part of the examination and carry out other tests to ensure that they understand what is causing your pain. They will explain their diagnosis to you, and discuss your personalised treatment plan, which may include exercises and other advice. In most cases you will receive treatment at the same time, but on some occasions, they may need to refer you to other healthcare professionals such as your GP or midwife.

Everyone is different, and the number of treatments necessary with vary according to the problem and the individual. At your initial appointment, your practitioner will assess you and outline their treatment plan. They will discuss your progress with you at follow up appointments and adjust their approach as necessary.

What to Wear
It is helpful if you come wearing loose fitting and/or stretchy clothing to allow for movement. You may be asked you to partially undress for the examination, so please wear appropriate underwear, or bring shorts to change into. Your practitioner will always treat you with dignity and respect. If you would feel more comfortable, you are welcome to bring someone with you during your appointment. Please note all children under 16 years of age should be accompanied by a parent or someone with parental responsibility. If you have any concerns regarding any of this, please do get in touch and we can advise you further.

What to Expect After Treatment
Most people feel better after treatment and are able to move more easily. You may feel a little sore the day after your treatment, and this can sometimes last for up to 48 hours. If you experience great discomfort or pain, please contact your practitioner so that they can advise you.

Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call us on 01483 268628. Please note that the full fee may be charged if appointments are missed or cancelled without 24 hours’ notice, unless the appointment is on a Monday, when we ask that notice is given by 2pm on the Friday before.